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Are Distracted Driving Accident Claims Complex?

 Posted on May 24, 2024 in Uncategorized

Joliet Car Accident LawyerDistracted driving accidents have been increasing over recent years, partly due to the availability of distractions for drivers to engage in while operating their motor vehicles. Texting and driving is one of the biggest distractions, though any action or behavior that takes a driver’s eyes off the road and the safe operations of his or her vehicle may be considered distracted driving.

Pursuing a claim for a distracted driving accident can be complex, as you will need to prove that the distracted actions of the driver caused your accident and your injuries. A skilled distracted driving accident lawyer can help you with this.

Consequences of a Distracted Driving Accident

Distracted driving accidents are dangerous, and these accidents can result in serious injuries to the parties involved. Consequences of a distracted driving accident include:

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Does an Amputation Qualify for Long-Term Workers’ Compensation?

 Posted on May 09, 2024 in Uncategorized

Will County Workers' Comp LawyerLosing a limb after a work accident severely impacts a person’s life and any ability he or she has to work in the future. Workers’ compensation may apply in situations where a victim of a workplace accident suffers from such a catastrophic injury, though you will need to qualify for long-term workers’ compensation, which is known as permanent and total disability.

An experienced Illinois workers’ compensation lawyer can advocate for your rights and the workers’ compensation payments you deserve after an amputation or other qualifying injury.

Qualifications for Permanent and Total Disability

Under the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Act, long-term worker’s compensation payments may apply if an injury is considered a total and permanent disability. Injuries that may qualify as total and permanent disabilities are those that stop a person from working a job again in any capacity.

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What Is Illinois Medical Malpractice?

 Posted on April 19, 2024 in Uncategorized

Kendall County Medical Negligence LawyerMedical malpractice in Illinois occurs when a medical professional fails to perform their duty of care to a patient. This may include acting negligently or recklessly during the diagnosis, treatment, or recovery process. Medical malpractice often results in further injuries, illness, or catastrophic impact on the patient.

If you suspect medical malpractice has happened to you or a loved one, contacting a skilled Illinois medical malpractice lawyer is essential to advocate for your rights.

Common Types of Medical Malpractice and Their Consequences

Medical malpractice can occur across a variety of fields and during diagnosis, treatment, surgical procedures, or the recovery process. Common examples of medical malpractice include:

  • Using too much force during labor, causing birth injuries to mother or child

  • Failure to notice emergency symptoms or order emergency care

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What Are the Most Common Types of Factory Accidents?

 Posted on April 10, 2024 in Uncategorized

Joliet Factory Injury LawyerThough many steps and workplace safety regulations are in place to reduce the occurrence of factory accidents, the unfortunate reality is that factories are still dangerous places and accidents do occur. Receiving an injury in a factory accident can be catastrophic, and it is important to pursue a claim for the compensation you deserve while you recover from your injuries. An Illinois workers’ compensation lawyer can help guide you through this process.

Common Factory Accidents and Injuries

Factory accidents can occur in many different ways even despite proper safety regulations and precautions due to the somewhat hazardous conditions of factory work and heavy machinery use. However, when proper safety standards are not followed, there is an even greater risk of employee harm or injury.

The most common types of factory accidents that may occur include:

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Pursuing a Drunk Driving Accident Claim Under Illinois Dram Shop Law

 Posted on March 20, 2024 in Uncategorized

Will County Car Crash LawyerIf you are injured in a car accident caused by a drunk driver, that driver can be held liable for the losses your injuries cause you. What you might not realize is that you may also be able to pursue legal action against the entity where that driver obtained the alcohol consumed that resulted in his or her inebriated state. This can be done under Illinois dram shop law. An Illinois personal injury lawyer can evaluate your case and determine if this is a legal option for you.

What Is the Dram Shop Law?

Dram shop is a term that is used to refer to an establishment where alcohol is sold and served, such as liquor stores, bars, pubs, and restaurants. A "dram" was a Scottish unit of measurement for alcohol. A "dram shop" was an establishment that sold alcoholic beverages by the dram.

Today, the term dram shop is usually used in a legal context, associated with laws and regulations that govern the liability of these establishments for damages caused by patrons who were served alcohol, even though they were visibly intoxicated. Under Illinois dram shop law, establishments have a duty to exercise reasonable care when serving alcohol. They can be held liable if they overserve a customer who subsequently causes harm to themselves and others because of their intoxication.  

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Common Reasons for a Denied Illinois Workers’ Compensation Claim 

 Posted on March 06, 2024 in Uncategorized

Kendall County Personal Injury LawyerThe Illinois workers’ compensation statute was enacted to protect workers if they suffer work-related injuries or develop an occupational disease. Workers’ comp benefits ensure that the injured employee’s medical expenses will all be paid, and they will receive a percentage of their wages while recovering from their injuries.

Unfortunately, far too many employers and their insurance companies deny an injured worker’s claim, leaving that worker in a difficult situation. The following are some of the most common reasons cited for denial. If your claim has been denied, it is important to contact an Illinois workers’ compensation lawyer right away.

Failure to Report Right Away

One of the primary reasons for the denial of a workers’ compensation claim is the failure of the injured worker to report the incident promptly. Illinois has strict deadlines for reporting workplace injuries, in most cases, within 45 days of the incident. The claim may be denied if an employee fails to notify their employer within this timeframe.

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What Is a "Miss-and-Run" Accident?

 Posted on February 15, 2024 in Uncategorized

DuPage County Injury AttorneyMost people know what a hit-and-run accident is but may not have heard of miss-and-run crashes. A miss-and-run accident – also referred to as a "near-miss-and-run" or "close-call hit-and-run" – is when a driver narrowly avoids hitting another vehicle, pedestrian, or some object, and that action causes another party some type of harm. What makes a miss-and-run different from a hit-and-run is that the driver makes no physical contact with the injured party.

Even without the physical contact, that driver could still be liable for any injuries sustained in the crash. This is why anyone who experiences a miss-and-run crash should contact an Illinois personal injury lawyer for legal help.

Factors in Miss and Run Accidents

Many miss-and-run incidents occur at intersections, areas of heavy traffic, and areas with a lot of pedestrian activity. A driver may brake suddenly, swerve, or take some other type of evasive action to avoid hitting something or someone and then drive off despite the damage and injuries their actions caused.

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BLS Releases Workplace Fatality Report

 Posted on February 06, 2024 in Uncategorized

Will County Personal Injury LawyerA report released in December by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reveals that the number of workplace fatalities increased by almost 6 percent in 2022 compared to the number of deaths in 2021. According to the report, a worker died every 96 minutes in 2022.

The following is a brief overview of the report’s findings. If you have lost a loved one in a workplace accident, it is important to speak with an Illinois workers’ compensation lawyer to find out what legal recourse you may have.

Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries Summary, 2022 Findings

The report shows that 2022 was the sixth time in the past seven years that more than 5000 workers were killed while on the job. Transportation incidents (motor vehicle accidents) were the number one cause of death, resulting in the deaths of 2,066 workers and representing just under 38 percent of all workplace fatalities, a 4 percent increase over the year before. The construction industry came in second, with 1,056 fatalities. This was a more than 10 percent increase in deaths over 2021 incidents.

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Types of Winter Accidents That Can Result in a Legal Claim

 Posted on January 18, 2024 in Uncategorized

Joliet Personal Injury AttorneyWinter is in full force here in Illinois. All one has to do is listen to the weather report – or look out the window – to see the ice and snow covering the state over the past few weeks. Although this season brings up beautiful snowscapes, it can also lead to accidents that can result in serious – or even fatal – injuries. There are a number of different types of accidents that can occur. If you have been injured, an Illinois personal injury lawyer can help you determine who the liable party is and what type of legal recourse you may have.

Traffic Accidents

Winter weather can create treacherous road conditions, increasing car, truck, pedestrian, and other traffic accidents. One of the primary culprits for winter car accidents is icy roads. When temperatures drop below freezing, wet roads can freeze, creating a hazardous surface for drivers. Even a thin layer of ice can significantly reduce traction and make vehicles difficult to control. Black ice is an especially serious hazard on the road.

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How Do I Know If I Need a Workers’ Compensation Attorney?

 Posted on January 11, 2024 in Uncategorized

Naperville Workers' Compensation AttorneyEvery year, more than 3.2 million workers suffer serious work-related injuries and illnesses. States such as Illinois have passed workers' compensation laws to ensure these injured workers are protected. These laws are in place to ensure that injured workers receive the benefits they are entitled to, including medical benefits and a percentage of their wages.

Although these cases should be straightforward, far too many employers and their insurance companies look for ways to prevent injured workers from receiving those benefits. While not every workplace injury claim necessitates legal representation, four key signs indicate you should seriously consider hiring an Illinois workers’ compensation lawyer.

Denied or Delayed Claims

One of the most compelling reasons to hire a workers' compensation lawyer is when your claim is denied or subject to unwarranted delays. Insurance companies often deny claims or drag out the approval process, leaving injured workers without the benefits they need. If your claim has been denied or the insurance company is delaying paying you the benefits, your attorney can assess your case, determine the reasons for the denial, gather additional evidence if needed, and appeal the decision or expedite the claims process.

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