Joliet Pedestrian Accidents Lawyer
Attorneys Assisting in Obtaining Compensation for Individuals Hit by Vehicles in Illinois
Being hit by a car is a constant fear for many pedestrians, and for good reason. Many people who frequently travel by foot have seen drivers who are focused on anything and everything except the road around them - and particularly, the people walking near it. While the driver and occupants of a car are highly unlikely to suffer any harm after hitting a pedestrian, it is very likely that a pedestrian hit by a car will suffer very severe or catastrophic injuries. The human body is not designed to withstand the force of a collision with a motor vehicle. This is why there are so many safety laws in place that tell drivers how to share the road with pedestrians, such as those requiring drivers to yield to pedestrians at intersections when pedestrians have a "walk" light. While these laws do not always prevent drivers from injuring pedestrians, they can work in your favor should you be placed in the unfortunate position of needing to pursue compensation after an accident.
Rathbun, Cservenyak & Kozol LLC is experienced in working with pedestrians who have been hit by cars or trucks. We have seen the struggles that people face while trying to recover both physically and financially from this type of accident, and we are here to help. Our goal is to see you fully compensated for every type of harm you have endured. We aggressively pursue these cases, conducting a thorough investigation in an effort to prove the driver's negligence. Dealing with the insurance company directly can mean leaving money on the table, as these companies rarely offer what a claim is genuinely worth. It is highly advisable to be represented by counsel before you speak with the insurance company.
Understanding the Cost of a Pedestrian Accident
The costs and financial losses you may face after being hit by a motorist can be very high. Fortunately, you can likely recover the bulk of these expenses. The insurance company may try to make you a settlement offer quickly, but until an attorney has been able to calculate your compensable damages, it would generally be unwise to accept. Costs associated with a pedestrian accident that are likely compensable can include:
- Current and future medical costs - Your initial ER bill is not likely to be the end of your medical expenses. You will likely need follow-up care, including things like physical therapy or future surgeries for a complex injury. The costs of care you will need in the future can be included in a compensation award.
- Long-term care after a catastrophic injury - Not all injuries can be healed. Some injuries commonly sustained in pedestrian accidents can be permanent and debilitating, such as traumatic brain injuries and spinal cord injuries. If you will require long-term care in the future, these costs can be addressed.
- Lost wages - Most pedestrians who are hit by cars will be too injured to return to work immediately after the accident. Any wages you lose while you are unable to work can likely be recovered. This may be particularly important for people whose injuries are so severe that they will never be able to return to work in their former capacity.
- Noneconomic damages - There are multiple categories of compensation for damages of a non-financial nature, such as pain and suffering.
- Property damage - Many pedestrians are carrying important items such as their cell phones when their accident happens, and the costs of repairing or replacing these items may be addressed.
We will take the time needed to fully consider each and every cost and loss you are facing after a pedestrian accident. Our attorneys will strive to ensure that you will receive the highest possible amount of compensation.
Contact a Will County Pedestrian Accident Attorney
If you have been injured by a careless driver while walking, Rathbun, Cservenyak & Kozol LLC may be able to help you recover substantial compensation. We work on contingency fees, meaning that you only pay if we recover money for you. To begin with a free consultation, please contact us at 815-730-1977.